Cold War begets Hippy Culture begets Personal Computer
Most of the hippie culture was initiated by educated people who wanted something different from what they had, which was a regimented culture veering toward suppression of individuality. The counterculture wasn't all drugs, wasn't all "protest" but was simply stuff that was different. There weren't a lot of anchors to hold on to (the culture we were attempting to escape was pretty hollow) but a few luminaries managed to publish things to fill the cultural vacuum of the times -- things like the Whole Earth Catalog, whose motto was "Access to Tools", not "We Protest".
The cover was planet Earth, shown from orbit. It contained technology -- beautiful stuff, from hand-held power plows to the first PC's to cheap land cruisers. I submit that the WEC was more symbolic of the counterculture than the Time magazine articles that formed the basis of much of the public perception of the movement.
A lot of software developers started then, when - again - the rules were being challenged, and the people vacuum in the industry became attractive; few colleges knew what a CS degree should even look like, but the counterculture also espoused "Look, you can do it, give it a try" and encouraged people to step out of the ego-crushing conformity pressed on the public via wide dissemination of corporate advertising memes, e.g. the barely-subliminal messages coming out of GM advertisements (Longer! Lower! Wider!).
As a result, people were encouraged to think out of the box for the first time in a long time, a necessary breakout from the corporate-government-proprietary wartime morality that lasted well into the 50's.
The world around us was pretty grey -- McCarthy was in power. Down at the bottom there were people saying I can have power too, I can be empowered, I'll be a computer programmer and it doesn't require me to compete at the beach to be important. That's what drove the counterculture into adopting the PC as a causus belli. Sorry about the stereotype, but the geek cliche came from that.
Nullus stercus, ipi eram.
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